By Paul A. Achoa, Eagle Health & Fitness Expert

It’s no mystery that most overweight Americans want to know how to lose weight fast without having to make uncomfortable lifestyle changes. With so many potential customers just waiting to spend, companies are falling over one another trying to come up with new diet pills that will meet the widespread desire for easy fat loss. To the delight of many, one company appears to have finally come up with an answer; however, according to the Food and Drug Administration, the results are both promising and potentially troublesome.

Overweight America, meet Qnexa

Created by Vivus Inc., Qnexa is one of the few new diet pills to show very real promise in efficacy trials. A controlled-release drug consisting of two older medications, Qnexa combines topiramate, which promotes fullness, with phentermine, a stimulant that effectively curbs appetite. According to the FDA, studies have demonstrated that the drug does provide significant weight loss in a relatively short amount of time.

Will it Ever Reach Shelves?

Although the new diet pills have shown the ability to help dieters lose weight fast, Vivus has had trouble getting FDA approval. Originally rejected by the agency back in June, Qnexa is getting a second chance to prove it is safe enough to hit the market. According to reports, the FDA remains concerned that the drug may cause birth defects and increase heart rates; however, the agency says it may still approve the medication for men and women of non-child-bearing age.

Lose Weight Fast without Gaining it Back

Although the FDA agrees that Vivus’s new medication does have the ability to help dieters lose fat quickly, the agency warns that clinical trials indicate that the results may not last. According to the FDA, although dieters saw considerable results within the first year of use, many regained fat the following year.

If you’re interested in a way to trim your waistline, you’d be better served adopting a healthier dieting strategy, such as the Dukan diet plan or something similar to the Ryan Reynolds workout and diet, which is based on exercise and healthy eating. Each of these strategies encourages fat loss by increasing metabolic rates and encourages good health by promoting better long-term eating habits.

In the end, while medications may provide short-term results, they won’t help you keep unwanted fat off for long periods of time. What’s more, most of these medications have troubling side effects that could jeopardize your health.